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Count on us

Project “Count on us!” started in February 2010 and have lasted for five months. The target group within this project was young female offenders from Correctional Home for Juveniles in Krusevac. The project was financially supported by Swiss organization “Swiss Labour assistance”.

The main aim of this project was to contribute to social inclusion of young offenders from Correctional Juvenile Home in Krusevac, through process of their resocialization and education about employability. Indicated understood enhancement of work with young female offenders in the institution and advancement of their knowledge about employability and vocational guidance regarding active job search and starting own business.
Activities within the project understood educational workshops with young offenders on the themes related to entrepreneurship, employment, labour market and functioning of the trade unions in firms.

The activity that had the greatest impact on these young girls was visits to five different firms in Serbia and, along with that, meetings with the representatives of trade unions. This way, the girls got the opportunity to see the process of fabrication in different firms, but also representatives of trade unions had a chance to meet this target group in order to break the barriers and prejudices that may have existed on both sides.

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